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    Questionnaire Calculated Attributes Examples

   Calculated Attributes give you the powerful ability have HIDDEN atttributes calculated automatically in your questionnaires.   

   TAG: <CALCATTR [Attribute1] - [Attribute2]>     See more notes and examples below. 

    Calculated Attributes Set Up Example:

    Sensory Evaluation

   SIMS software express package file: CALCULATED.SIMS2000ExpressPackage.sql.ZIP

   ***   Calculated Attributes  -  Notes  ***

   TAG: <CALCATTR [Attribute1] - [Attribute2]>

      Calculated Attributes give you the powerful ability have HIDDEN attributes calculated automatically in your questionnaires.

      Example: Calculated Attribute's export label:  Net change hair straightness.

               <CALCATTR [Final hair straightness] - [Initial hair straightness]>

        The Attribute that has this TAG will be HIDDEN in the presented ballot and automatically calculated.
        The Attribute that has this TAG must be a Line Scale attribute.
        Source Attribute1 and Attribute2 [text] needs to be your actual Attribute Data Export text labels within the [brackets].
        Source Attribute1 and Attribute2 both must be Line Scale attributes.
        Source Attribute1 and Attribute2 both need to be within the current ballot for the current panelist, current rep and current sample.

        Location: The calculated attribute must be placed in your ballot after both of the source attributes.  Same page is aok.
        Location: We recommend the location be just after the second source attribute on the same ballot page.

        Branching logic if related to your Calculated Attribute is supported and will work as expected.
        Profiling ballots are not supported at this time.

        The math Operator must be - or +.
        The mathematics need to be carefully considered when setting up the Attribute that has this TAG.
          If the math result is less than the MIN value allowed for the Attribute that has this TAG, the attribute's return value will be set to its Min.
          If the math result is greater than the MAX value allowed for the Attribute that has this TAG, the attribute's return value will be set to its Max.
          Technician's while editing/previewing ballot will be notified if out of range.  Panelists live tests will not be notified and min/max response values as stated above.
          So for example, Attribute1 and Attribute2 are Line scales 0 to 100, your Calculated Attribute should be a Line Scale -100 to 100 (or 0 to 200) to cover all possibilities.
        Your Calculated Attributes will appear in all reports in SIMS as any other attributes normally would.

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SIMS Sensory Evaluation Quality Panel Software Cloud Systems - Evaluation Testing Software Systems