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    Rotation Plan Reports

SIMS Rotation Plan Reports show the set up details of the Test, and the exact sample presentation order for all panelists.

It is recommended that you review your Rotation Plans prior to the test execution to ensure accuracy of expectations of presentation.




 *****  Rotation Plan Reports  *****

SIMS Rotation Plan Reports show the set up details of the Test, and the exact sample presentation order for all panelists.

It is recommended that you review your Rotation Plans prior to the test execution to ensure accuracy of expectations of presentation. 

Example, the set up details of the Test: 

    Test Definition Code.......: SCS-EXAMP1
    Test Definition Description: Example Dessert Snacks - See Stats & Reports
    Experimental Design:  SCS-EXAMP1          Experimental Plan:   04040024
    Design Type:          Affective           Number of Samples:      4
    Number of Reps:       1                   Number Presented:       4
    Number of Panelists:  72                  Number of Plan Blocks:  24
    Panel Type:           Anonymous           Number of Plan Reps:    1
    Screen Sequencing:    Uni-Directional     
    Block Order:          Random              
    Samples Order:        As in Plan          Panelists/Blocks is evenly divisible
    Questionnaire:        SCS-EXAMP1

Example, the exact sample presentation order for all panelists: 

                   Pos 1    Pos 2    Pos 3    Pos 4    Totals
                  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------       
     Sample 1         18       18       18       18       72
     Sample 2         18       18       18       18       72
     Sample 3         18       18       18       18       72
     Sample 4         18       18       18       18       72
     Sample Descriptions:
     Sample 1       Control Dessert   BCode: 124
     Sample 2       Healthy Dessert   BCode: 235
     Sample 3       Low Cal Dessert   BCode: 346
     Sample 4       Low Fat Desset    BCode: 457

     Experimental Definition: SCS-EXAMP1
     Rep: 1
     Set   AnonymousID Anonymous             Sample Order (Sample#/Sample Code)  
   ------- ----------- --------------------  ----------------------------------  
       1 - 0000000001  Resp # 1              4-457   2-235   1-124   3-346   
       2 - 0000000002  Resp # 2              4-457   1-124   2-235   3-346   
       3 - 0000000003  Resp # 3              3-346   1-124   4-457   2-235   
       4 - 0000000004  Resp # 4              4-457   3-346   1-124   2-235   
       5 - 0000000005  Resp # 5              3-346   2-235   1-124   4-457   
       6 - 0000000006  Resp # 6              1-124   2-235   4-457   3-346   
       7 - 0000000007  Resp # 7              3-346   4-457   2-235   1-124   
       8 - 0000000008  Resp # 8              2-235   3-346   4-457   1-124   
       9 - 0000000009  Resp # 9              1-124   4-457   2-235   3-346   
      10 - 0000000010  Resp # 10             1-124   3-346   4-457   2-235   
      11 - 0000000011  Resp # 11             2-235   4-457   3-346   1-124   
      12 - 0000000012  Resp # 12             3-346   4-457   1-124   2-235   
      13 - 0000000013  Resp # 13             2-235   1-124   3-346   4-457   
      14 - 0000000014  Resp # 14             3-346   2-235   4-457   1-124   
      15 - 0000000015  Resp # 15             4-457   3-346   2-235   1-124   
      16 - 0000000016  Resp # 16             4-457   2-235   3-346   1-124   
      17 - 0000000017  Resp # 17             1-124   4-457   3-346   2-235   
      18 - 0000000018  Resp # 18             2-235   3-346   1-124   4-457   
      19 - 0000000019  Resp # 19             3-346   1-124   2-235   4-457   
      20 - 0000000020  Resp # 20             4-457   1-124   3-346   2-235   
      21 - 0000000021  Resp # 21             1-124   2-235   3-346   4-457   
      22 - 0000000022  Resp # 22             2-235   4-457   1-124   3-346   
      23 - 0000000023  Resp # 23             2-235   1-124   4-457   3-346   
      24 - 0000000024  Resp # 24             1-124   3-346   2-235   4-457 
      25 - 0000000025  Resp # 25             4-457   1-124   3-346   2-235   
      26 - 0000000026  Resp # 26             4-457   2-235   3-346   1-124   
      27 - 0000000027  Resp # 27             1-124   4-457   2-235   3-346   
      28 - 0000000028  Resp # 28             2-235   4-457   1-124   3-346   
      29 - 0000000029  Resp # 29             4-457   1-124   2-235   3-346   
      30 - 0000000030  Resp # 30             1-124   2-235   3-346   4-457   
      31 - 0000000031  Resp # 31             3-346   1-124   2-235   4-457   
      32 - 0000000032  Resp # 32             1-124   2-235   4-457   3-346   
      33 - 0000000033  Resp # 33             2-235   3-346   4-457   1-124   
      34 - 0000000034  Resp # 34             2-235   3-346   1-124   4-457   
      35 - 0000000035  Resp # 35             4-457   3-346   2-235   1-124   
      36 - 0000000036  Resp # 36             3-346   2-235   4-457   1-124   
      37 - 0000000037  Resp # 37             3-346   4-457   1-124   2-235   
      38 - 0000000038  Resp # 38             2-235   1-124   4-457   3-346   
      39 - 0000000039  Resp # 39             1-124   4-457   3-346   2-235   
      40 - 0000000040  Resp # 40             3-346   2-235   1-124   4-457   
      41 - 0000000041  Resp # 41             1-124   3-346   2-235   4-457   
      42 - 0000000042  Resp # 42             4-457   3-346   1-124   2-235   
      43 - 0000000043  Resp # 43             2-235   4-457   3-346   1-124   
      44 - 0000000044  Resp # 44             3-346   1-124   4-457   2-235   
      45 - 0000000045  Resp # 45             2-235   1-124   3-346   4-457   
      46 - 0000000046  Resp # 46             1-124   3-346   4-457   2-235   
      47 - 0000000047  Resp # 47             4-457   2-235   1-124   3-346   
      48 - 0000000048  Resp # 48             3-346   4-457   2-235   1-124   
      49 - 0000000049  Resp # 49             4-457   2-235   1-124   3-346   
      50 - 0000000050  Resp # 50             2-235   4-457   1-124   3-346   
      51 - 0000000051  Resp # 51             3-346   1-124   2-235   4-457   
      52 - 0000000052  Resp # 52             4-457   1-124   2-235   3-346   
      53 - 0000000053  Resp # 53             2-235   1-124   3-346   4-457   
      54 - 0000000054  Resp # 54             3-346   4-457   1-124   2-235   
      55 - 0000000055  Resp # 55             2-235   1-124   4-457   3-346   
      56 - 0000000056  Resp # 56             3-346   4-457   2-235   1-124   
      57 - 0000000057  Resp # 57             1-124   3-346   2-235   4-457   
      58 - 0000000058  Resp # 58             3-346   2-235   1-124   4-457   
      59 - 0000000059  Resp # 59             1-124   4-457   2-235   3-346   
      60 - 0000000060  Resp # 60             3-346   1-124   4-457   2-235   
      61 - 0000000061  Resp # 61             1-124   4-457   3-346   2-235   
      62 - 0000000062  Resp # 62             3-346   2-235   4-457   1-124   
      63 - 0000000063  Resp # 63             4-457   1-124   3-346   2-235   
      64 - 0000000064  Resp # 64             1-124   3-346   4-457   2-235   
      65 - 0000000065  Resp # 65             2-235   3-346   1-124   4-457   
      66 - 0000000066  Resp # 66             2-235   3-346   4-457   1-124   
      67 - 0000000067  Resp # 67             1-124   2-235   3-346   4-457   
      68 - 0000000068  Resp # 68             2-235   4-457   3-346   1-124   
      69 - 0000000069  Resp # 69             1-124   2-235   4-457   3-346   
      70 - 0000000070  Resp # 70             4-457   3-346   2-235   1-124   
      71 - 0000000071  Resp # 71             4-457   2-235   3-346   1-124   
      72 - 0000000072  Resp # 72             4-457   3-346   1-124   2-235 

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