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    Result Import External Data From Excel into SIMS

   Example Excel Source File with your External Data

   Excel Source Data Format Columns and Rows - Important Notes

     Most common format is with your source Attributes Labels across Excel Row #1,
     and Data beginning on Excel Row #2, with each data row containing ALL scores for all attributes for each Ballot & Sample# combination.

       Example, 1st 5 Excel Rows:

       Row1:   Ballot# | Sample Number | Attribute #1 | Attribute #2 | Attribute #3 | Attribute #4
       Row2:      1    |       1       |      7       |      4       |      5       |      7      
       Row3:      1    |       2       |      4       |      3       |      5       |      2      
       Row4:      2    |       1       |      6       |      7       |      7       |      4      
       Row5:      2    |       2       |      3       |      1       |      3       |      1      

   SIMS Screen for Result Import External Data From Excel into SIMS - Example

   Recommended Steps

     If you haven't done so already, you need to create your Target SIMS Ballot, Sample Design, Test Definition and Result Code.

     Then on this screen:  

     Step #1:   1. Choose a Your Target SIMS Result Code

     Step #2:   2. Select your Import Excel Data File

     Step #3:   3. Verify Import

     Step #4:   4. Accept/Save Import

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