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Updated: February 2025


SIMS Sensory Quality Panel Software Cloud Systems

Version 6


Enhancements and Updates Listing - Readme


·        This list is intended to inform you about many of the enhancements and changes to SIMS software.

·        Within each version of SIMS Software, we release frequent ‘build dates’. You can see your exact SIMS Software build date on main menu screen.

·        Getting the newest release is easy, see menu option under Administration/Check for SIMS Updates.

·        Newest update of this list is always available at:  SIMS Support Web Page

·        We are continually enhancing the SIMS sensory system software.  We invite you to call us with your custom requirements.


           Recent Major Enhancements:


SIMS Cloud, Software as a Service (SaaS)

·        If your group has not yet discovered SIMS Cloud, Software as a Service (SaaS), it’s time to check it out.

·, internet sensory testing, SIMS Cloud, Software as a Service (SaaS)

·        Your SIMS Cloud Systems are using cutting edge Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) technologies. 

·        Chat AI SIMS.  A natural language processing tool driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.


Test presentation:

·      Tetrad Tests.

·      TDS Temporal Dominance of Sensations.

·      Randomization of attribute presentation order on screen.

·      Randomization of images and photos on screen.

·      Triangle tests multiple replications affective discrimination.

·      Apple iPad compatibility.



·      PCA Principal Component Analysis, 3D & 2D plots, view samples & attributes, underlying factors and correlations.

·      Preference Mapping Analysis, view judges & samples, liking data sample preference, underlying factors and correlations.

·      Cluster Analysis, view clusters of judges or attributes.

·      R Statistics, available for free and no cost, as alternative to SAS/JMP.

·      Penalty analysis, tables and excel graphs.

·      Comment coding, reports and analysis.

·      Immediate Individual Panelist Feedback, Panelist Performance.

·      Statistics, R, SAS, JMP, SPSS.


Data management:

·      Continuous time intensity advanced technician data point editing.

·      Free database Microsoft SQL express database optional installation.


Online testing:

·, internet sensory testing, SIMS Cloud, Software as a Service (SaaS)  

Version 6                                                     (listed by most recent enhancements)

SIMS Word Clouds, for Comments, very cool, various enhancements and fixes.

Dunnetts T test statistical analysis, better detection of unbalanced data.

Tetrad statistical analysis now includes the the Test Sensitivity Analyzer workbook.  Triangles & DuoTrios.

Support for up to 200 logical testing rooms.  200 tests running at once. 

New logical branching on All That Apply questions the count of selected checked choices.

New statistics on Discrimination Reports, Upper Limit % True Discriminators, Triangles, Tetrads, Duo-Trio.

Redesigned SIMS Online screens for Web Login Codes Management for easier and quicker use.

SIMS Batch Testing Management.  Manage up to 99 tests simultaneously.  Very cool.

Reports Top/Bottom Boxes, added advanced option to include *All* Boxes Individually, full statistics.

Reports Multiple Test Raw data and means reports, more multiple ‘Or’ searches, other enhancements

Ballot Question Text Color Tags <COLOR=[color]>.  RED GREEN BLUE YELLOW BLACK WHITE.

Hedonic Choices <COLORBACK=[color]>:  Great for DODs, Degree of Difference, Green Yellow Red.

Reports Multiple Test Raw data and means reports, Optionally omit the Column Freeze for this report.

SIMS Online, new test execution option for Hide This Test From Your Private Client Online Launchpad.

Deployed R Statistics version 3.6.0 into SIMS, more new feaures PCA and Comment Word Clouds. Very cool.

Penalty Analysis Reports, new option [Excel / Chart All Samples] at the same time. 

New Test Execution option:  New customizable text for "your Panelist Number #" on signin screen, ex. Emp #

New Test Execution option:  Allow New Panelist to select their own New Panelist IDs, ie employee numbers. 

SIMS Word Cloud graphical comment frequency reporting. Very cool.

Panelist sequential testing, new ability for samples and/or reps online tests and for all test panel types.

Ballots, Sorting Samples methods preliminary examples available.

Panelists Import from Excel, better logic Panelist with exact same names, ask technician if new or existing.

ARCS - SIMS & ARCS Bridge Ballots, demographic questions and answers to SIMS from ARCS systems.

Reports Penalty Analysis, new advanced charting showing Weighted Penalty. 

Reports for SIMS Raw Data Export insert actual Ballot Number column.

Excel Reports, new option to By-pass All Excel File Overwrite Warnings. 

Ballots In-Line Question Instruction text formatting <STRONG> <B> Bold  <U> Underline  and  <I> Italics.

Ballot open end Comments, new option to force numeric digits only data entry. 

Data Import from ANY External source, Result Import External Data from Excel.  This is a Big one! 

Reports Market Research style tables for subgroups, breakouts, cross tabs, banners, etc.  This is a Big one! 

New Ballot Option, Rapid Testing, Automatic and Immediate Move to Next Page On Answer. 

Data Subsets, new ability to easily Subset the data sets into multiple new Result Codes.             

Sensory Testing on Cell Phones more examples. 

Improvements for Discrimination Tests Comment Reports. 

Test Result Master, allow Edit changes to Sample Set Selection even if test is running.

SIMS Reports, more use of better naming of Excel Report Files.

Support for up to 999 samples per SIMS Experimental Design.

Experimental Design Sample Descriptions increase field width to 255 characters up from 60.

Test Polling Screen support for SIMS Cloud online tests, watch panelists progress real time.

New whiter, softer and easier look & feel experience for your technician screens throughout SIMS system.

SIMS Reports and lookup for tests with thousand+ panelists.  Impressive speed improvements. on request.

SIMS Reports, we are working on a few very customized reports for customers upon request.  Tell us yours.

SIMS Cloud, Panelist Scheduling, Panelist Recruitment, email messages, invitations and reminders.

Updated importation support for ARCS, added 'arcs_code' awareness for SIMS panelist import via Excel.

Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express Edition.  100% Free from Microsoft.   On every SIMS DVD. 

Excel 2016 & Newer Versions Speed Improvements via Application Property Screen Updating set False

New statistics reporting option  [ ]  Drop 0 Columns, to omit columns of missing/dropped samples.

Top/Bottom reports new option for [ ] Ability to Ignore/Null certain textual Hedonic Responses.

New statistics reporting option  [ ] Drop the Column Designations Letters 

Questionnaire ATA Matrix  -  Ranking Concepts  -  Allow rules for BOTH, ALL, COLs and ROWs.  

New Progress Bar option for panelist tests  [ ] Show Test Progress Bar   

New statistics report option  [ ] Drop the Rows for the Column Designations Letters    

Statistical Reports Test Data Combinations, new Anova statistics advanced options combining Any Ballot & Any Ballot


New SIMS Reports Quick Access under via main menu button Tables and Reports.   

PCA Plots, Principal component analysis, new options for flipping axis 180 degrees, L-R, T-B.

PCA Plots, Principal component analysis, new option for combine data sets, any ballot + any ballot.

Bigger sign-in screens for panelists, easier to read, bigger fonts, etc.,

Questionnaires, New optional Video MM Auto play on load.

Data Subsets, new ability to data subset by Ranking questions.

TURF Analysis (Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Analysis) via XLStat notes.

SIMS Cloud continuous ongoing new features and functionality.

SIMS Cloud panelist recruitment, scheduling, and timeslot reminders.

Paired Comparison sample choices, optionally use Sample Descriptions, alternative from blinding codes.

SIMS Ballots,  SIMS Panelist Descriptive Calibration Method (DCM) - Panelist Training

               Click here to see :

Excel Export Panelist Information - choose columns options.  Panelist Custom, screening, filtering.

SIMS Online Generate Web Links, added support <%MAX%> tag panelist scheduling in email messages

Panel Groups Management, new filter by ‘location’.   Easier import to create group via email address.

Test Polling Screens, added better support for Multiple Reps Test and the Sample Captions BCs labels.

Profile Testing allow MULTI_MEDIA in the profile grid screen mix similar like Instruction Boxes.

Reports, Statistics, Anova, Mean Separation Letters, within Sample Pairs, CAPs for alpha nn or lower.

Ballot and Questionnaire Exporting to Word, added support for Export to PDF file printers.  

Panelist Master importing from any Excel file, better import options and flexibility.

Panel Groups Management, new look-up filter by ‘location’, better import flexibility.

Panelist Profiles, PAN_CUSTOM Special Ballot.  Panelist Recruitment, Custom Fields and Scheduling.

               Click here to see :

Panelist Scheduling, Time Slots, new Tag <Max=n>, Hedonic choices, with auto grayed out options. 

               Click here to see :

Statistics, Least Significant Difference LSD letter superscript calculations ongoing enhancements.

Reports, Panelist Master Reports, new advanced functionality to Filter Selected Panelists via Excel.

Ballot PIPE’ ing, add support for Piping Ranking Choice #1’s Sample Blinding Code.

Reports, Preference Mapping Factor Analysis, External and Internal mapping techniques now supported.

Panelist Login, add support for optional use of Panelist Email Address login entry instead of panelist ID.

Reports, Statistical Analysis, Summary Stats and Panelist Comparison in Columns, multi Reps options.

R Statistics, add easy install of R files to main SIMS Setup.exe installation files, advanced Statistics.

Ballots, Grouped Intensity, new Branching, Piping and Randomization ‘other’ awareness functionalities. 

Reports T/B and Stats, new option:  Override Incomplete Block Design And Treat As Complete Block. 

Reports Panelist Comparison - Attribute Columns by Sample, add new Difference Average graph. 

PCA Principal Component Analysis, added 3D 3 factor plots.  Fancy.  

Dunnett’s t Tests, add R statistics support, new options, and improved notes and interpretations.  

PCA Principal Component Analysis, view samples & attributes, underlying factors and correlations.

               Click here to see :  SIMS PCA Principal Component Analysis Examples

Preference Mapping Analysis, view judges & samples, liking data sample preference, underlying factors and correlations.

Cluster Analysis, view clusters of judges or attributes.  

Experimental Plans, randomize S samples in X groups.  Rando 123 456  etc.

Data Subgroups, for Result Codes and Stats, add ATAs to subgroupable criteria.  And Linescales with discrete increments. 

Top/Bottom Reports, add support for Top 4 / Bottom 4. 

Result Summary Statistics, add Chi-Square Attribute analysis.

Result Summary Stats, new optional Sample Filter Control.  

Top/Bottom Reports, add support for Line Scales are Discrete Increments = 1 and at least 5 categories.  

Graphics, Spider radar charts, additional and new advanced options, base and virtual data series.  

Reports, Statistics, new use of R Statistics software (available for free and no cost) as alternative to SAS.  

Reports, Tetrad Report New Option to "Show Tetrad Blinding Codes" on report

Result Summary Statistics,  Graphs, new graph’s data option for “Baseline Attribute” ,  

Frequency Reports, new Attribute Frequency Graphs directly to Excel.  

Result Summary Statistics,  new button [Statistics Package Common Output], statistics friendly.  

Raw Data Export, for Multiple Rep Tests, optionally order by: Panelist, Rep or Rep, Panelist.

Report, Penalty Analysis, raise decimal precision for Total Penalty math Mean Drop * Percent Not JAR.

Add optional view filter to various technician screens for Show Only Executing Tests

New Optional Password for Webpage access to SIMS online Client Launch Webpage

Grouped Intensity, new optional rule for Sum of All Grouped Intensity Cells Must Equal Value n

Reports Raw Data, New options to include Ballot Page #'s in header columns, selectable Excel font sizes

Reports Result Summary Statistics, more attribute filter options, individual sample graphs, auto Y Scale

Branching, logical skipping patterns, various enhancements and fixes.

Test Combine, statistics, highly similar ballots, more liberal rules allowing more test combines.

Reports, Cross Tabs, New report Style B, Excel Exporting, add cell colors similar to T2B2

Penalty Analysis report, enhance 2nd tab O l Liking selection, allow for both odd and even attributes.

Panelist Codes for Panel Groups.   Added support for Excel Export/ Import from Clipboard.    

Add support for Symbol Hand Scanners for quick sample experimental design information entry.  

Reports, Statistics, add support for Fisher's Least Significant Difference (LSD) Test Mean Separations in

   combination with stats option to Incorporate Panelist Consistency Over Reps.                               

Questionnaires, new special Tag, Calculated Attributes <CALCATTR [attr1] - [attr2]> .

Reports, Excel reporting, various reports, new options for spreadsheet row color options. .

Reports, Top/Bottom, more fine-tuning, Merge the TopX BottomX attribute choices, additional colors, etc.

Report Multiple Test Result Means Report, new optional samples Merged across results..

Report Top/Bottom, new Excel Direct destination along with existing Table generator. .

Technician Screens, system-wide, character fonts and screen layouts; bigger, brighter, better. .

Statistical Analysis, Add optional REPS SELECTION to Statistical Analysis, select one to many

Technician Screens, add optional Grid and List filtering, similar to Code Search.

Graphics, add more Color choices for Samples DataPoint and random colors cycling

Reports, Project Status Report, existing "Status" column will be repurposed to auto populate from the Test Execution Result Master screen's "Notes" field. 

Reports, Project Status Report, new option when Excel exporting, split existing Sample Descriptions column into S# of independent Excel columns. 

‘Description’ fields on Questionnaire Master, Experimental Design and other screens raised to 255 characters

Experimental Plans, added ability to Import all REPS, similar to the existing Export all reps functionality

Experimental Design Blinding Codes, Tetrad,  2C4 automated BC pulls AABB AAABBB

Result Master Advanced options, add support for deleting data by Reps

Tetrad questionnaire, add branching functionality based on Tetrad correct/incorrect result.  

Tetrad questionnaire, display little red message whenever an invalid grouping selected.  

New questionnaire tag  <PIPE {Attribute]}> swaps in the panelist's previously asked Attribute responses.

               Click here to see :  SIMS Questionnaire Piping Examples

TDS Report Curves/Graphs added Standardized Time (%), Significance level and Chance level lines.  

               Click here to see :  SIMS Temporal Dominance of Sensations Examples

Tetrad Tests, new questionnaire & design examples, new reports.

               Click here to see :  SIMS Tetrad Test Examples

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Sensory Evaluation

Sensory Evaluation Testing Software Systems

Sensory Evaluation